Ethics & Total Ethics Management Programmes (TEMPs)
Ethics and sound ethics principles and guidelines are the foundation to a successful business / organisation
Ethics and values are the foundation of a business and organisation. Sound and lived ethics and values contribute directly to well run, profitable, and crime free and theft free businesses and organisations.
As a certified Ethics Officer through the Ethics Institute of South Africa (Ethics Officer Certification Number 006/04), I am well placed to assist and enable you implement a code of ethics / code of conduct, values programmes, a Total Ethics Management Programme (TEMP), and an ethical culture. Contact me to arrange a discussion on how I can assist you in this regard.
Some of the key elements of a TEMP are, securing leadership commitment to ethics, the establishment of governance entities and structures, the formation of an ethics management department or the appointment of an ethics officer, ethics assessment within your business / organisation, flowing from the assessment, the drafting of an ethics strategy, writing and implementing a code of ethics, embedding all the foregoing within the business / organisation, and monitoring and reporting on ethics the ethics programme and ethics violations.