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Services include executive, leadership, business transformation, peak performance, and self mastery


Services Overview: Services

Offering Overview

I offer the following products and services -

  • Coaching - Leadership, business, / organisation, life, relationship, happiness, and self-mastery coaching.

  • Book (published internationally in South Africa and the United States of America) - Self-Mastery.

  • Workshops - Self-Mastery and happiness.

  • Talks - Self-Mastery and happiness.


Go here for a full overview of my business, service, and product offering.

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Leadership, business, self-mastery, life and happiness.

I enable my clients achieve their realistic goals, overcome their problems or obstacles, reach their chosen future desired state, and realize their innate power and full potential. I also enable my clients achieve a degree of self-mastery and high / peak performance. If you choose this as a coaching outcome, I will assist you lead a balanced, purposeful, effective, and fulfilled life.


A natural consequenceof all the foregoing is that my clients bring about huge positive effects and change in their own lives, in their interpersonal relationships, careers, and businesses / organisation's that they find themselves in.


Customised coaching solutions are formulated for all my clients, be they individual, groups, teams, and or businesses / organisations.

Services Overview: Services


Self-mastery coaching, workshop, book, and talks.

When we master ourselves, we master all that is around us.


In my internationally published (USA and South Africa) book, "The Game of Life & Success - Steps to Self Mastery & Happiness", steps are provided to assist readers and my clients to realise a degree of self-mastery, and therefore phenomenal results in all areas of their lives, interpersonal relationships, and or business / organisation withing which they find themselves.


Customised self-mastery coaching, my three day self-mastery workshop based on the aforementioned book, and my self-mastery talks, are used to assist and enable my clients realise a degree of self-mastery, and or design and unfold their destiny, to hold their future in their hands, and to realise a degree of their full power and potential.


Click here to view a detailed brochure on my three day self-mastery workshop.

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Services Overview: Services


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Happiness workshop and talks.

Most people consider happiness their most important goal in life, yet seldom attain a true 'State' of Being happy. So why happiness and my happiness workshop and talks?


A growing body of research is demonstrating that as we become happier, the quality of our lives improves dramatically and in general we become better people. As we become happier we become more compassionate, more creative, more energetic, more financially successful, more emotionally and physically healthy, and more effective and productive personally and in the work place.


Organizations / businesses that have a happy culture and happy employees, a happy way of operating and being, enjoy all the foregoing as well as reduced stress levels and reduced absenteeism. Therefore, they have less medical claims from their employees medical aid schemes.


In happy individuals there is greater commitment, confidence, self-belief, motivation, contributions in general, and more of an inclination towards achieving their personal and or their organizations / businesses full potential.


Click here for useful tips on how to be happy, and or increase your happiness levels.


Click here for a detailed brochure on my one of a kind, value adding, life transforming, happiness WORKSHP.

Click here for a brief questionnaire to establish whether the Happiness Now workshop is for you.

Services Overview: Services

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